Did you know? ¿Sabías?
over 1 year ago, Amanda Arceo
NCSD Elementary Spelling Bee Thursday, February 2, 2023 Starting approximately 9:45 AM LiveStream: https://bit.ly/ncsdlive
over 1 year ago, Nye County School District
Spelling Bee QR Live Stream QR Code
Attendance Matters
over 1 year ago, Nye County School District
Attendance Matters Infographic
Meeting is back in session (9:37) https://livestream.nyeschools.org/ViewStream.html
over 1 year ago, Nye County School District
We are starting the stream now. (5:30pm) https://livestream.nyeschools.org/ViewStream.html
over 1 year ago, Nye County School District
Everyone, Just a reminder that the Pahrump District Office will be closed for the board meeting because all of the board members will be in Amargosa. We are still live streaming the meeting here: https://livestream.nyeschools.org/ViewStream.html We will post updates through the district and Amargosa websites when we pause the stream for breaks and closed session.
over 1 year ago, Nye County School District
Amargosa Kindergarten will not be starting school until Thursday, August 11, 2022. I will be doing special one-on-one testing on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 and Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Please call the school (775)372-5324 to set up a 30 minute appointment. The age requirements to start Kindergarten have changed as a result of the 2021 Legislative Session. Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, a child must be five (5) years of age on or before the first day of the school year (August 8, 2022) in order to be admitted into Kindergarten. At this time, the Nevada Department of Education has guided us to make one exception. For the 2022-2023 school year only, any four-year-old who has attended one year of pre-Kindergarten and is ready to advance to Kindergarten will be allowed to do so. If you plan to enroll your child into Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year and your child is not currently attending pre-Kindergarten, your child must meet the new age requirement described above in order to be admitted. If you have not enrolled your child for school this year, please do so as soon as possible. Online registration (OLR) for the 2022-2023 school year will be open on March 14, 2022. Parents/Legal Guardians with students currently attending a Nye County School District school will access their OLR application through the parent portal. Parents/Legal Guardians with students new to Nye County School District will register directly through the OLR link. Directions on accessing OLR can be found on the Nye County School District website (www.nye.k12.nv.us) by clicking on Menu > Parents/Guardians > Registration and Enrollment. Thank You! Miss George, Kindergarten Teacher
almost 2 years ago, Diane George
Welcome to Kindergarten
Elementary School Summer Program - Reading Rocks! Registration: https://rb.gy/k8zxax
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
Reading Rocks Summer Program
New state regulation changes the age requirement for kindergarten beginning for the 22/23 school year. Read more information here: https://5il.co/13mtb
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
Kindergarten Age Requirement Change
NCSD is considering three new publishers for Reading and Language Arts curriculum (K-12). The materials for all three are on display for public input at the Pahrump district office and each school site through January 7, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
ELA Curriculum Review
The Nye County School District Board of Trustees' Regular Board Meeting that is scheduled for this Wednesday, December 8th, will no longer be held at Amargosa Valley Schools, due to a COVID-19 quarantine. The meeting will now take place at the Southern District Office Boardroom, 484 S. West Street, Pahrump. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
Change of Plans
Annual Christmas Dinner and Concert. Please have students at the Community Center by 5:30 pm.
over 2 years ago, Amargosa Schools
Christmas Dinner
Cena Navidena
First Day of School for Amargosa Students (1st - 8th Grade) is Tuesday, August 10, 2021. Kindergarten will start Thursday, August 12 (please contact school to schedule required testing during August 10-11). Pre-K will start Monday, August 16, 2021.
almost 3 years ago, Diane George
Amargosa Sandblasters
Padres y Miembros de la Communidad, Esta publicacion representa datos de rendimiento del cuarto trimestre y como estamos ayudando a los estudiantes a tener exito. Senior Fannin, Director de Amargosa Valley School Progress Report: https://5il.co/t6qd
about 3 years ago, Nye County School District
Parents and Community Members, The document below represents our student performance data and our school analysis of it. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this report. Thank-you, Chuck Fannin, Principal School Performance Plan - Progress Report #4: https://5il.co/t4va School Performance Plans: https://www.nye.k12.nv.us/browse/182849
about 3 years ago, Nye County School District
Dear Parents, I want to thank you for your patience and the help that you have given your students as we have been in this Learning-at-a-Distance mode for the last two weeks. Unless Covid-19 numbers in Amargosa Valley rise significantly over the Winter Break, we will return to our Face-to-Face learning model on Monday, January 4th. Please make sure that your students bring their Chromebooks back to school when they return. To help other students and staff remain healthy, please do not allow any Covid-19 positive students to come back to school until they have met CDC guidelines for returning to public places. In addition, if any of your students are experiencing Covid symptoms, please follow the CDC Guidelines (test within 48 hours and self-quarantine for 10 days if they test positive). Ultimately, for us to stay open, we all need to be as careful and diligent as possible following CDC Guidelines with respect to social distancing, mask wearing, and sanitizing hands. In addition, please note that today is the final day that the Amargosa Valley School will be providing any meals until the second semester begins In many ways this semester has flown by – we really enjoy working with your students and feel good about the learning processes in our school. I am sure the staff joins with me in wishing you all a wonderful holiday season! Sincerely, Chuck Fannin, Principal, Amargosa Valley School Queridos padres, Quiero agradecerles por su paciencia y la ayuda que les han brindado a sus estudiantes ya que hemos estado en este modo de Aprendizaje a Distancia durante las últimas dos semanas. A menos que los números de Covid-19 en Amargosa Valley aumenten significativamente durante las vacaciones de invierno, volveremos a nuestro modelo de aprendizaje presencial el lunes 4 de enero. Asegúrese de que sus estudiantes traigan sus Chromebooks (computadoras) a la escuela cuando regresen. Para ayudar a otros estudiantes y al personal a mantenerse saludables, no permita que ningún estudiante positivo de Covid-19 regrese a la escuela hasta que haya cumplido con las pautas de CDC para regresar a lugares públicos. Además, si alguno de sus estudiantes experimenta síntomas de Covid, siga las pautas de CDC (pruebe dentro de las 48 horas y póngase en cuarentena durante 10 días si dan positivo). En última instancia, para mantenernos abiertos, todos debemos ser lo más cuidadosos y diligentes posibles siguiendo las pautas de CDC con respecto al distanciamiento social, el uso de máscaras y la desinfección de manos. Además, tenga en cuenta que hoy es el último día en que la escuela de Amargosa Valley proporcionará comidas hasta que comience el segundo semestre. En muchos sentidos, este semestre ha pasado volando; realmente disfrutamos trabajar con sus estudiantes y nos sentimos bien con los procesos de aprendizaje en nuestra escuela. Estoy seguro de que el personal se une a mí para desearles a toda una maravillosa temporada navideña. Sinceramente, Chuck Fannin, Director, Escuela Amargosa Valley
over 3 years ago, Diane George
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Amargosa Families! We will be driving through your neighborhood on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning to deliver our Santa’s Survival Kits, courtesy of the Amargosa Staff and Amargosa Student Council. Every family will receive one backpack full of books, paper for drawing, and some games or toys for Family Engagement. Because we are practicing social distancing, we would like to leave your family gift in a safe place on your property and honk the horn to let you know it’s being dropped off. Have a safe and wonderful winter holiday! ¡Familias Amargosa! Estaremos por su vecindario el miércoles por la tarde y el jueves por la mañana para entregar mochilas de supervivencia de Santa, cortesía del personal de Amargosa y el Consejo de estudiantes de Amargosa. Cada familia recibirá una mochila llena de libros, papel para dibujar y algunos juegos o juguetes para la participación familiar. Debido a que practicamos el distanciamiento social, nos gustaría dejar el regalo de su familia en un lugar seguro en su propiedad y tocar la bocina para informarle que lo están dejando. ¡Que tengan unas vacaciones de invierno seguras y maravillosas!
over 3 years ago, Diane George
Christmas Backpacks