Reminder: Early Dismissal at 12:35 for Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 21.
almost 4 years ago, Diane George
Early Dismissal Bus Schedule
The Morning Bus Schedule is Correct for Monday, October 12, 2020. We are having trouble editing the afternoon schedule. It should be available by 11:00 am on Monday. Remember School is adding an hour starting Monday. Official Dismissal at 2:10 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Diane George
School Bus
Amargosa Schools Going Back to Face to Face Instruction with all Students Parents, After many discussions with teachers, parents, and NCSD administrators, it has been decided that Amargosa Elementary and Middle Schools will go back to face to face instruction at the beginning of the Second Quarter for all of our students who want to learn in that manner. The vast majority of our students who started out the school year as Distance Only Learners have decided to come back to school as face to face learners. The small number of students who still want to continue as Distance Only Learners will be assigned to Distance Only Learning teachers in Pahrump and they will continue with their online only learning. So, next Monday, October 12th, we will extend our school day to 2:10 P.M. indefinitely. The bus routes will be adjusted accordingly and will be published on our School Website and School Facebook Page by 3:00 P.M. this Thursday, October 8th. Our students will still be expected to do some school work at home since they will be coming a little earlier than they would in a normal year. Students will be responsible for that work at home and will document it according to their teachers’ directions. Please ask your students when they come home each day what they are required to do for their at-home classwork. We believe that this new schedule will benefit our students tremendously. Teachers will be able to do more small-group reading and math activities. In addition, they will have more time to do more real world learning applications with their students, especially in the areas of Science and Social Studies. If you have any questions or concerns about this new schedule, please do not hesitate to contact me at or at 775-372-5324. Sincerely, Chuck Fannin Principal, Amargosa Valley Schools Las Escuelas de Amargosa Volverán a la Instrucción Cara a Cara con Todos los Estudiantes Padres, Después de muchas discusiones con maestros, padres y administradores del distrito, se decidió que las escuelas primarias e intermedias de Amargosa volverán a la instrucción cara a cara al comienzo del segundo trimestre para todos nuestros estudiantes que quieran aprender de esa manera. La gran mayoría de nuestros estudiantes que comenzaron el año escolar como aprendices a distancia han decidido regresar a la escuela como aprendices cara a cara. La pequeña cantidad de estudiantes que todavía quieren continuar como aprendices a distancia serán asignados a maestros de aprendizaje a distancia en Pahrump y continuarán con su aprendizaje solo en línea. Entonces, el próximo lunes 12 de octubre, extenderemos nuestro día escolar a las 2:10 p.m. indefinidamente. Las rutas de autobús se ajustarán en consecuencia y se publicarán en nuestro sitio web de la escuela y en la página de Facebook de la escuela antes de las 3:00 p.m. este jueves 8 de octubre. Aún se espera que nuestros estudiantes hagan algún trabajo escolar en casa ya que llegarán un poco antes de lo que lo harían en un año normal. Los estudiantes serán responsables de ese trabajo en casa y lo documentarán de acuerdo con las instrucciones de sus maestros. Por favor, pregunte a sus estudiantes cuando regresen a casa cada día qué deben hacer para el trabajo de clase en casa. Creemos que este nuevo horario beneficiará enormemente a nuestros estudiantes. Los maestros podrán realizar más actividades de lectura y matemáticas en grupos pequeños. Además, tendrán más tiempo para hacer más aplicaciones de aprendizaje del mundo real con sus estudiantes, especialmente en las áreas de Ciencias y Estudios Sociales. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre este nuevo horario, no dude en comunicarse conmigo al 775-372-5324. Sinceramente, Chuck Fannin Director, Escuelas de Amargosa
almost 4 years ago, Diane George
It is our desire to take every precaution necessary to meet with parents safely tomorrow for our Parent Engagement Meeting. In addition to maintaining appropriate social distancing and masks, we will also offer you the opportunity to meet with us virtually from home if you so desire. Please click on the following link to join the meeting. Es nuestro deseo tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para reunirnos de una manera segura mañana en la Reunión de Participación de Padres. Además de mantener una distancia social adecuada y el uso de mascarillas, tambien le ofrecemos la oportunidad to reunirse con nosotros de manera virtual desde su casa si así lo desea. Por favor presione el enlace siguiente para unirse a la reunión.
almost 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Virtual Parent Engagement Meeting
Pizza Party Reward for Growth and Exiting from WIDA program. This year we had 8 students exit from the WIDA process. Every January, English Language Learners (ELL) that have not shown proficiency in the English language are assessed to determine their level in reading, listening, speaking and writing. The data collected helps teachers to provide instruction to each of their ELL students. We provide encouragement and incentive for them to succeed. The students enjoyed stuffing themselves with Pizza. We handed out certificates and gave our hard workers a round of applause. A Great Big Thank you to Martell’s for delivering the purchased pizza and supplying each student with Reese’s peanut butter cup and drink. Recompensa de Pizza Party por Crecimiento y Salir del programa WIDA. Este año tuvimos 8 estudiantes que salieron del proceso WIDA. Cada enero, los estudiantes que aprenden inglés (ELL) que no han demostrado competencia en el idioma inglés son evaluados para determinar su nivel en lectura, comprensión auditiva, expresión oral y escritura. Los datos recopilados ayudan a los maestros a brindar instrucción a cada uno de sus estudiantes ELL. Les brindamos aliento e incentivos para que tengan éxito. Los estudiantes disfrutaron complaciéndose de pizza. Repartimos certificados y aplaudimos a nuestros trabajadores. Un gran agradecimiento a Martell's por entregar la pizza comprada y brindar a cada estudiante un dulce Reese’s peanut butter cup y una bebida.
almost 4 years ago, Diane George
Pizza Party
6th Grade Pencils 1 Package+ Erasers 4+ Pencil Sharpener 1+ Color Pencils 1 12+ Pack Highlighters 4+ Water bottle Composition Book: Math-Black ELA-Red Science6th-Blue SS6th- Any Color 7th Grade Pencils 1 Package+ Erasers 4+ Pencil Sharpener 1+ Color Pencils 1 12+ Pack Highlighters 4+ Water bottle Composition Book: Math-Black ELA-Red Science7th-Yellow Notebook (college Rule) SS7th- Any Color 8th Grade Pencils 1 Package+ Erasers 4+ Pencil Sharpener 1+ Color Pencils 1 12+ Pack Highlighters 4+ Water bottle Composition Book: Math-Black ELA-Red Science8th-Green Notebook (college Rule) SS8th- Any Color-2 Extra cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer are always welcome. 6to Grado Lápices 1 paquete + Borradores 4+ Sacapuntas 1+ Lápices de colores 1 paquete de 12+ Marca textos 4+ Botella de agua Cuaderno de composición: Matemáticas- Negro ELA-Rojo Ciencias-Azul Sociales- Cualquier color Séptimo Grado Lápices 1 paquete + Borradores 4+ Sacapuntas 1+ Lápices de colores 1 paquete de 12+ Marca textos 4+ Botella de agua Cuaderno de composición: Matemáticas- Negro ELA-Rojo Ciencias- Amarillo Cuaderno (college ruled) Sociales-Cualquier color Octavo Grado Lápices 1 paquete + Borradores 4+ Sacapuntas 1+ Lápices de colores 1 paquete de 12+ Marca textos 4+ Botella de agua Cuaderno de composición: Matemáticas- Negro ELA-Rojo Ciencias- Verde Cuaderno (college ruled) Sociales-Cualquier color-2 Las toallitas limpiadoras y el desinfectante de manos son siempre bienvenidos.
almost 4 years ago, Diane George
Middle School Supply List
Click here to go to the parent portal for registration updates:
almost 4 years ago, NCSD, Tech
Reapertura de Escuela 28 de julio de 2020 Familias del Norte del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Nye, Con el clima siempre cambiante de COVID-19, hemos trabajado para desarrollar un horario que se adapte a las necesidades de los alumnos en persona y en línea en nuestras Escuelas del Norte para que puedan ser apoyados por su maestro asignado. Los estudiantes que asisten a las escuelas Amargosa, Beatty, Round Mountain y Tonopah tienen la opción de asistir en persona cuatro días a la semana o en línea, también cuatro días a la semana. El horario que ve a continuación se ha ajustado tanto para los alumnos en persona como en línea para que nuestros maestros puedan satisfacer mejor las necesidades de todos los estudiantes durante este tiempo sin precedentes. Si elige que su estudiante participe en el aprendizaje en línea, deberá completar el Contrato de Aprendizaje a Distancia. Puede acceder a este contrato en persona en la escuela asignada de su hijo o en el sitio web del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Nye en Este formulario se entregará a la secretaria de su estudiante (en persona, por fax o correo electrónico) a más tardar el 6 de agosto. También se le enviará otra encuesta el miércoles 29 de julio solicitándole su preferencia por la educación de sus estudiantes durante el año escolar 2020-2021. Tómese el tiempo para completar esta encuesta, ya que ayudará a los administradores a determinar el tamaño de las clases y las medidas de distanciamiento social. También queremos informarle que los casilleros (lockers) no estarán disponibles para el uso de los estudiantes. Se le recomienda comprar a su estudiante (K-12º grado) una mochila con una funda para computadora portátil, ya que llevarán su Chromebook a la escuela todos los días. Si aún no hemos recibido el Chromebook de su hijo desde la primavera, no emitiremos otro hasta que lo recibamos. ** Se requerirá tiempo adicional para las tareas para los estudiantes en persona después del lanzamiento del día escolar para cumplir con las expectativas educativas ** Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este cronograma, no dude en comunicarse con el administrador de su edificio. Gracias. Chuck Fannin, Subdirector, Escuelas Amargosa / Beatty
almost 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Reopening Letter to Parents July 28, 2020 Northern Families of Nye County School District, With the ever-changing climate of COVID-19, we have worked to develop a schedule that will suit the needs of both in-person and online learners in our Northern Schools so that they can be supported by their assigned teacher. Students who attend Amargosa Schools, Beatty Schools, Round Mountain Schools, and Tonopah Schools have the option of either attending in-person four days per week or attending online, also four days per week. The schedule you see below has been adjusted for both in-person and online learners so our teachers can best meet the needs of all students during this unprecedented time. If you choose to have your student participate in online learning, you will need to fill out the Distance Learning Contract. You can access this contract either in person at your child’s assigned school or on the Nye County School District website at This form will be due to your student’s secretary (in-person, via fax, or e-mail) no later than August 6th. Another survey will also be sent to you on Wednesday, July 29th asking you for your preference for your students' education during the 2020-2021 school year. Please take the time to complete this survey as it will help administrators determine class sizes and social distancing measures. We also want to inform you that lockers will not be available for student use. You are advised to purchase your student (K-12th grade) a backpack with a laptop sleeve in it as they will bring their Chromebook to and from school daily. If we have not yet received your child’s chromebook back from the spring, we will not issue another until it is received. **Additional time for assignments will be required for in-person students following the release of the school day to meet educational expectations** If you have any questions regarding this schedule, please do not hesitate to contact your building administrator. Thank You. Chuck Fannin, Assistant Principal, Amargosa/Beatty Schools
almost 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Return to School
Drive-thru Back to School Fair August 1, 2020, 8-10AM See this flyer for details:
almost 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Back to School Fair Flyer
Parent Engagement Survey: Parents & Guardians, This is a six question yes/no survey that takes about 30 seconds to complete. We sent this out previously, but only received 80 responses. Please help us to collect this information for our Family Engagement team. Thank you,
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Parent Engagement Survey
Special: Supt. Search --- Thurs., June 11, ----- 4:00 - Interview #5 ----- 6:15 - Interview #6 --- The public feedback survey is reopened for today only. --- The survey will close 30 minutes after the final interview. Agendas: Live-Stream:
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
BOT Meeting Tonight and Survey
Parents, Guardians, and Community Members, We know you have been asked to fill out several surveys recently, but we would appreciate your attention to one more. This survey is meant to provide the grants department with guidance and data while writing for 20/21 grants, which will be critical for our operations in what is likely to be a challenging budget year. The survey contains 20 topics and asks you to rate each topic's importance to you and your satisfaction with district implementation. A blank response will be counted as not-applicable for you, so you are welcome to leave items blank. Please click here to take the survey:
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
NCSD Grants Survey
Parent Engagement Survey: Parents & Guardians, This is the same survey that we sent out at the beginning of the year on paper through the schools. Obviously, it was not possible to do the survey the same way at the end of the year. Our grants require that we issue this survey twice per year to get comparative data. Please take a few minutes to fill out the six questions. Thank you, -NCSD Grants & Family Engagement Dept.
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Parent Engagement Survey
Nye County School District Special Board Meeting tonight: Superintendent Interviews -- First interview starts at 4:00, second at 6:15. -- Agenda: -- Live-Stream: -- Provide Feedback on Candidates: ---- Anonymous comments will not be considered by the Board.
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Interviews Day 2
Use this link to comment on the Superintendent Candidates. -- Provide Feedback on Candidates: ---- Anonymous comments will not be considered by the Board.
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Board meeting
Nye County School District Special Board Meeting tonight: Superintendent Interviews -- First interview starts at 4:00, second at 6:15. -- Agenda: -- Live-Stream:
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Board Meeting
Amargosa Valley School will offer another opportunity to pick up personal student belongings tomorrow, May 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Beatty High School student belongings may be picked up during these times as well. Parents are reminded to please remain in your vehicles during pick up. Student belongings will be brought to your car. If you are unable to pick up during this time and your student still has personal belongings at school, please call the office for further instructions. Amargosa Valley School ofrecerá otra oportunidad para recoger las pertenencias personales de los estudiantes mañana, 21 de mayo, de 10:00 a.m. a 12:00 mediodía. Las pertenencias de los estudiantes de la Preparatoria Beatty también pueden ser recogidas durante estos tiempos. Se les recuerda a los padres que por favor permanezcan en sus vehículos durante la recogida. Las pertenencias de los estudiantes serán llevadas a su automóvil. Si no puede recoger durante este tiempo y su estudiante todavía tiene pertenencias personales en la escuela, llame a la oficina para obtener más instrucciones.
about 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Come out and support our Graduates!
about 4 years ago, Diane George
Beatty High School Parade Route
May 18, 2020 Amargosa Parents: On Tuesday, May 19th, all Pre-K through Fifth-grade students’ personal belongings will be available to be picked up in front of our school. Each student will have a bag with their name on it and those bags will contain personal belongings, as well as a treat or treats that the student may have earned for completing their Reading Log. Parents, please stay in your cars when you drive up to the school. The teacher aides will bring your student’s bag of belongings to you as you stay in your car. If you are returning a chrome book, please inform the teacher aide as they deliver your student’s belongings to you. They will take the chrome book at that time. Our pick-up hours for the student belongings pick-up will be from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm tomorrow. For our Beatty High School students who live in Amargosa Valley, you can pick up your belongings at Amargosa Valley School under the same conditions on Wednesday from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. Those Pre-K through Grade 5 students who weren’t able to pick up their belongings on Tuesday can come on Wednesday as well. To ensure everyone’s safety and health, our teacher aides will be wearing face masks and gloves and be observing all social distancing expectations during the belongings retrieval process. Thanks for your cooperation with the social distancing and health precautions that we are encouraging when you come to pick up your student’s belongings. Chuck Fannin Assistant Principal, Amargosa/Beatty Schools.
about 4 years ago, Dolores Perez