Parents & Guardians, please take this anonymous short survey with regard to COVID-19, school closures, and concerns for next school year. The more input we get, the better we can address concerns. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Nye County School District
Let us know!
Nevada is estimated to receive $20,000 for every single person counted over the next 10 years. Funding will go towards our schools, veterans, healthcare & children's programs. Complete your #NevadaCensus at now @NVCensus2020 #RuralNVCounts
over 4 years ago, Nye County School District
2020 Census
Now more than ever, we need to come together to ensure Nevada receives the proper funding for healthcare, education, public health, and public safety. Fill out your #NevadaCensus at now. Our future is counting on us @NVCensus2020 #NevadaMatters
over 4 years ago, Nye County School District
2020 Census
Superintendent Norton offers his thanks:
over 4 years ago, Nye County School District
This short video demonstrates how to login to Chrome on a home computer in a manner that keeps all of the different accounts separated. The video doesn't apply to Chromebooks, just computers.
over 4 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
Nuestro sitio web es bilingüe. Puedes verlo en inglés o español. --- Our website is bilingual. You can see it in English or Spanish.
over 4 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
Translation Button
This is an automatic translation
We've been collecting all of the online tools for in-home learning that are being posted on Facebook and sent to us in email into categories here: #nye4kids
over 4 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
I've created an NCSD COVID-19 Response page with some resources and the latest press release information: As more information becomes available, I'll post it. R. Williams Director of Technology
over 4 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
To Nye County Families, Employees, and Communities, An official Nye County School District stance on COVID-19 will be released late this afternoon via social media, the District website, District email, and any other media sources used to mass-communicate. Chief Lewis, Nye County Emergency Management, will also communicate our message through additional Nye County communication resources. Please stay tuned. Thank you, Dale A. Norton, Superintendent of Schools Nye County School District
over 4 years ago, Nye County School District
More Coming Soon
Watch Mr. Norton celebrate Reading Week with the book My Teacher is a Monster! by Peter Brown:
over 4 years ago, Nye County School District
My Teacher is a Monster!
Read Across America
Parents, Our third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students will be taking the NWEA MAPS Spring Assessments next week.. Please make sure that your student/s have a good night's sleep each night. In addition, please ensure that they are eating nutritious food throughout the week as well. We also ask that you join us in stressing the importance of doing their best on these tests.
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
MAPS Testing
NATIONAL READING WEEK March 2 - 5, 2020 To celebrate National Reading Week, we have some fun activities planned for next week. On Monday, March 2, the Beatty High School student council will come to Amargosa School to help us celebrate Reading Week. The high school students will meet up with our middle school and fifth grade students and go into all of our elementary classrooms and read to a student one on one. All of our students, young and old, will interact, have fun, and participate! The goal is for all to join in and experience the joy of reading! Students may also dress up each day of the week as follows: Monday: Hat Day - High school readers here Tuesday: Sock Day - Silly or Mismatched Wednesday: Twin Day - Wear Blue AV shirt Thursday: Pajama Day - Classroom readers We hope you will plan some reading activities at home with your child to celebrate Reading Week as well.
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
National Reading Week
Parent Engagement Meeting Tuesday, February 18. Potluck Soup at 5:00 pm. Meeting starting at 5:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Parent Involvement
World Read Aloud Day! Wednesday, February 5, 2020
over 4 years ago, Robert Williams, Director of Technology
World Read Aloud Day Cartoon
Parents: Just a reminder, the Reward Field Trip to SeaQuest will take place this Friday, January 31st. We appreciate those parents that volunteered to chaperone, however, we have enough staff who have volunteered to meet the district chaperone requirements. Please note that parents must provide transportation to and from Amargosa School for the trip. Students must arrive at school by 8:00., as buses will be leaving promptly at 8:00 a.m. Buses are scheduled to return between 2:45 and 3:00 p.m. Please make sure students have breakfast at home as only lunch will be provided. Students may bring a snack, as well as money if they wish to purchase souvenirs. Everyone is excited and looking forward to this fun and exciting event! Padres: Solo un recordatorio, la excursión de recompensa a SeaQuest tendrá lugar este viernes 31 de enero. Agradecemos a aquellos padres que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para ser chaperones, sin embargo, tenemos suficiente personal que se ofreció como voluntario para cumplir con los requisitos de chaperones del distrito. Tenga en cuenta que los padres deben proporcionar transporte hacia y desde la Escuela Amargosa para el viaje. Los estudiantes deben llegar a la escuela para las 8:00, ya que los autobuses saldrán puntualmente a las 8:00 a.m. Los autobuses están programados para regresar entre las 2:45 y las 3:00 p.m. Asegúrese de que los estudiantes desayunen en casa ya que solo se proporcionará el lonche. Pueden traer alguna botana si gustan, así como dinero para comprar algun recuerdo si lo desean. ¡Todos estan muy contentos y emocionados sobre esta excursión!
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Reading aloud is not just for preschoolers You may think of reading aloud as something you do with a young child. But your teen can benefit from it, too. Consider reading aloud to each other from a story or article that might interest him. You might also check out an audiobook from your library. Hearing fluent reading can improve your teen's own reading fluency. And if he likes it, it may inspire him to read another book on that topic or by that author. click on the following link for further information: ______________________________________ La lectura en voz alta no es solo para los niños preescolares Quizás usted considere que leer en voz alta es una actividad para realizar solo con los niños pequeños. Pero su joven también puede beneficiarse de la lectura en voz alta. Considere turnarse con él para leer en voz alta una historia o artículo que podría interesarle. También podría sacar un audiolibro de la biblioteca. Escuchar una lectura fluida ayudará a mejorar la fluidez de su joven al leer. Y si le gusta, podría inspirarlo a leer otro libro de ese tema o autor. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para más información:
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Parent Engagement Meeting
Everyone benefits when you get involved at school Volunteers work for free, but not for nothing. There are lots of benefits to getting involved at school. You'll learn what's going on and get another perspective on what your child tells you. You'll have things to talk about with your child. You'll have a chance to develop valuable skills, such as project management or fundraising. And you'll be able to make a difference to every child in the school. Click on the following link for further information. ___________________________________ Todos se benefician cuando usted participa en la escuela Los voluntarios trabajan de forma gratuita, pero no en vano. Existen muchos beneficios de participar en la escuela. Usted se informará de lo que sucede allí y obtendrá otra perspectiva sobre lo que le cuenta su hijo. También tendrá más temas para hablar con él. Tendrá la oportunidad de adquirir habilidades valiosas, como administrar un proyecto o recaudar fondos. Y, además, marcará una diferencia en todos los niños de la escuela. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para más información sobre este tema.
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Parent Engagement Meeting next Tuesday, January 21 - 5:30 p.m. Reunión de Participación de Padres el proximo martes, 21 de enero - 5:30 p.m.
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Parent Engagement
Student Recognition Program next Wednesday, January 15 at the Community Center. Middle School will be at 10:30 am and elementary at 12:30 pm. Please join us to celebrate our students' achievements and success!
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Student Recognition
Parents: Please be aware that elementary report cards are coming home with students today. Middle school report cards will be sent home next Tuesday, January 14. Please call the school if you have questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Dolores Perez
Elementary Report Cards