*Don't forget there is no Parent Engagement Meeting this month. *Students will be dismissed at 12:40 on Wednesday. *Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
about 5 years ago, Dolores Perez
Happy Thanksgiving
No Parent Engagement Meeting this month.
There will be no Parent Engagement Meeting this month due to the close proximity to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Our next meeting will be on December 17th. Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday everyone!
about 5 years ago, Dolores Perez
No Parent Engagement meeting on Tuesday, November 26
PVHS Spaghetti Dinner Trophy Winner - It was a great turnout for the Moose Lodge 808 & Chapter 1141 Donation dinner for the Homeless Student's Activity Fund. Lots of entertainment, raffle prizes, desserts, and really good spaghetti. It came down to the wire between PVHS and JG Johnson Elementary School for the most attendees. Hope to see you all next year for this annual event. Who will get the trophy next year??A great night and a great cause. Rachel Owens McKinney-Vento
about 5 years ago, Rachel
Close race for the Trophy
PVHS Spaghetti Dinner Trophy Winner - It was a great turnout for the Moose Lodge 808 & Chapter 1141 Donation dinner for the Homeless Student's Activity Fund. Lots of entertainment, raffle prizes, desserts, and really good spaghetti. It came down to the wire between PVHS and JG Johnson Elementary School for the most attendees. Hope to see you all next year for this annual event. Who will get the trophy next year??A great night and a great cause. Rachel Owens McKinney-Vento
about 5 years ago, Rachel
Trophy dispute
Dinner Attendees
Dinner attendees
Amargosa Parents: Please join us in welcoming Krystle Hensyel to Amargosa/Beatty Schools as our new Health Aide. Ms.Hensyel will be at Amargosa School on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Prior to being selected for this position, Ms. Hensyel served as a Teacher Aide at the Beatty Schools. We are fortunate to have Krystle Hensyel in this position as she is a dynamic learner, calm, measured, and efficient. Padres de Amargosa: Únanse a nosotros para darle la bienvenida a Krystle Hensyel a las Escuelas Amargosa / Beatty como nuestra nueva Asistente de Salud. Ms.Hensyel estará en la escuela Amargosa los martes y miércoles. Antes de ser seleccionada para este puesto, la Srta. Hensyel se desempeñó como maestra auxiliar en las Escuelas de Beatty. Somos afortunados de tener a Krystle Hensyel en esta posición, ya que es una aprendíz dinámica, tranquila, medida y eficiente.
about 5 years ago, Diane George
Welcome our new Health Aide!
Favorite Character/Costume Parade October 31 at 2:15 p.m.
about 5 years ago, Dolores Perez
Costume/Favorite Character Parade 10/31 @ 2:15 pm.
Favorite Character Parade
October 31 at 2:15 p.m.
Favorite Character Costume
Students having fun at our Family Literacy Open House
about 5 years ago, Dolores Perez
Family Literacy Open House
Family Literacy Open House
Family Literacy Open House
Family Literacy Open House
Amargosa Schools will celebrate Red Ribbon Week with fun daily activities... Monday, Oct. 28 is Crazy Hair/Socks Day Tuesday, Oct. 29 is Pajama Day Wednesday, Oct. 30 is Sports Team Day Thursday, Oct. 31 is Wear Red/Costume/Favorite Character Day and a parade at 2:15 in hallway.
over 5 years ago, Diane George
Red Ribbon Campaign
Awards and Recognitions for Amargosa Elementary Students on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 12:30 pm in the Gym.
over 5 years ago, Diane George
Awards and Recognitions for Amargosa Middle School Students Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 10:30 am in the Gym.
over 5 years ago, Diane George
Working in the School Gardens.
over 5 years ago, Diane George
Second and Fifth Grade working in the school gardens.
Second and Fifth Grade working in the school gardens.
Caught Reading! Awesome sauce!
over 5 years ago, Diane George
Emma B. caught reading!
Help your child focus on listening well To succeed in school, children need good communication skills. One of them is listening. To build your child's skills, say her name to get her attention. Then look her in the eye and speak quietly; your child will have to listen closely. Model good listening by paying undivided attention when your child speaks to you. Encourage her to continue with statements like, "Tell me more." http://niswc.com/15gDC276091 ------------------------------------------ Ayude a su hijo a concentrarse en escuchar bien Para tener éxito en la escuela, los niños necesitan tener habilidades de comunicación sólidas. Escuchar es una de estas habilidades. Para desarrollar las habilidades de escucha de su hijo, diga su nombre para captar su atención. Luego mírelo a los ojos y use un tono de voz suave. De este modo, él tendrá que escuchar atentamente. Préstele toda su atención cuando él le hable a usted, para mostrarle cómo se escucha atentamente. Y para continuar la conversación, hágale comentarios como, "Cuéntame más sobre eso". http://niswc.com/25gDC276091
over 5 years ago, NCSD Parent Engagement